@rem Standard font macros adjust to your environment.
@rem Note: Size should be in descent order.
@macro titlefont "@{font helvetica 24}"
@macro subtitlefont "@{font garnet 16}"
@macro subtitelfont "@{font garnet 16}"
@macro chapterfont "@{font helvetica 15}"
@macro sectfont "@{font times 18}"
@macro secfont "@{font times 13}"
@macro subsectfont "@{font times 13}"
@macro bigfont "@{font times 36}"
@macro smallfont "@{font helvetica 9}"
@macro fixedfont "@{font courier 11}"
@macro deffont "@{font topaz 11}"
@rem introducer for list/enumeration items
@macro point "@{b}·@{ub}"
@macro listbullet "@{b}· @{ub}"
@include user.hgm
@include Bibelhtds.hgm
@macro HTDSannotation "@{font times 13}@{fg back}@{fgrgb red}Wer diesen roten Text lesen kann, benutzt schon HTDS >V40.18 :-)@{font topaz 11}@{fg text}"